This is the beginning of a new year. You have been given this year to use as you will. The next 365 days are yours to live how you like.
But remember: What you do with each and every one of those days is important because you are exchanging a day of your one wild and precious life for it.
With every sunrise, yesterday will be gone forever. In its place will be something that you have left behind.
The mud on your shoes.
The miles you ran.
The pictures you took.
The words you wrote.
The art you made.
The way you loved.
Don’t be afraid to leave your fingerprints on the window. Press your palms up against the glass and wave them side to side real fast. Make a mess of the condensation just like you did when you were a kid.
All we’ve ever wanted to do is see clearly.
Smoosh your nose and your forehead and your cheeks into it all.
Don’t be afraid to let them know you were here.
Beautiful Meg! What a great message to start the new year!